Feedback from passengers

The Airport Authority takes no responsibility for the content of messages posted here. This service is for the benefit of airport users who wish to express their views or share helpful information with each other. Questions or comments posted on this page will not receive a response from airport staff. To contact the airport please see the Contact page.

Sat, 29 Jun 2024, 3:41 am
Is there a hotel inside the Kunming international airport?
Tue, 26 Mar 2024, 7:46 am
Anyone have the email address of the customer service for Kunming International Airport please?
Thu, 27 Dec 2018, 5:39 pm
I wnat to reservation hotel in aiport. But I don't know how to reservation and where is that reservation site or systems.
T Marshall (UK)
Thu, 28 Dec 2017, 10:23 pm
Never have I experienced such inefficient, rude service while passing through airport security. I was utterly charmed by the city of Kunming, but sadly its airport staff have put a dampener on that.
Will Not-return (Dubai)
Sat, 16 Dec 2017, 11:41 pm
Very poor from immigration control... arrived here on 14th from Dubai to catch a connecting flight to Shanghai. Waited a terrible length of time to pass through I.C - finally got to the desk and there was a customer service rating machine. Pushed the button as I waited for the control guy to look through my documents and he went beserk and started screaming at the top of his voice at me (literally just flipped out!) asking why I touched it, did I want to take it home because I touched it. He was very irate and terribly angry (in need of anger management!) shouting at me in front of a huge crowd and became very racist saying I was in his country now and I can go home to where I came from .... all because I pressed a button in a customer feedback machine that the airport provides. Awful first impressions for a tourist coming in to their country for the first time. Disgusting behaviour..........
mustafa (pakistan)
Fri, 10 Nov 2017, 9:30 pm
kunming airport have left bag service
Ale (Italy)
Sun, 12 Feb 2017, 2:58 pm

my flight will depart from KMG very early in the morning, so I wonder if the airport is open at night and it is allowed to stay there to spend the night.

Nick Richard (France)
Sat, 7 May 2016, 11:17 am

I came by plane from Bangkok, flying to HK (gate 70) a few days later.

1) In boarding area, I sat in cafe to have breakfast. Tables were so dirty I got food stuck on my laptop. I showed the staff how dirty was the table but did not care

2) Second cafe: Not plug for computer. Come on, it's 2016.

3) Third cafe with many tables: Sofa was 20 years old and so damaged. Got it from trash? Plugs again could not work

4) Wifi has got very poor connection is the whole airport

5) Very little choice of Food and Beverage in general.

Not a world-standard airport at all (except the shiny-new look).
franchi (france)
Mon, 4 Apr 2016, 7:25 pm
Je vous écris pour vous signaler un gros problème qui nous est arrivé lors d'un transit de 16 heures à Kunming.
Nous venions de Phuket avec escale de 16h à Kunming.

Itinéraire du voyage

31 heures 20 minutes
04:30 ven., 1 avr. Phuket (Thaïlande) - Phuket International Airport (HKT)
Terminal 1 China Eastern Airlines
MU 2592 China Eastern Airlines

08:20 ven., 1 avr. Kunming (Chine) - Kunming (KMG) Type d’avion - 73H Classe - Economique
Correspondance - Changement d’avion Vérifiez l’heure d’embarquement et la porte d’embarquement avec la compagnie aérienne !
Durée de l’escale: 15 heures 50 minutes
00:10 sam., 2 avr. Kunming (Chine) - Kunming (KMG) China Eastern Airlines
MU 773 China Eastern Airlines

06:50 sam., 2 avr. Paris (France) - Charles De Gaulle (CDG)
Terminal 2E Type d’avion - 332 Classe - Economique

Etant très fatigués, nous avons décidé d'aller à l'hôtel à l'intérieur de l'aéroport qui propose des chambres pour la nuit ou pour quelques heures.
Nous prenons une chambre pour 4h. A peine arrivés dans la chambre, je vais aux toilettes et je tire la chasse.
L'eau ne s'écoule pas, je retente une deuxième fois et là, de l'eau s'écoule dans toute la salle de bain.
Je sors et appelle la femme de ménage, qui coupe l'eau et essuie par terre.
Je me rends à l'accueil et demande à changer de chambre.
Là, la personne de l'accueil vient dans la chambre et appelle le directeur qui me regarde et me dit "Give me 2000 yuans" (seuls mots en anglais qu'il connaissait).
J'ai répondu que non, que ce n'était pas de ma faute et le cauchemar a commencé.
Le directeur a appelé la police qui est arrivé et comme personne ne parlait anglais (et encore moins français), ils m'ont demandé de les suivre à travers l'aéroport pour trouver un traducteur.
J'ai passé 3h à raconter mon histoire à des hôtesses d'accueil, à des gens au téléphone, et au commissariat de police de l'aéroport.
La réponse était toujours la même "2000 yuans"... et j'avais beau expliquer que je n'y étais pour rien, que je n'avais pas payé des heures d'hôtel dans le seul but de casser les toilettes, que je n'avais fait qu'appuyer sur le bouton de la chasse d'eau, que j'étais la cliente et étrangère de surcroit.... rien n'y a fait.
Le policier a fini par me dire (via quelqu'un qui a traduit), que si je ne payait pas, notre départ serait compromis et plus tard, que je risquais de finir en prison !!!!
Le matricule du policier est le suivant : 054933
La tentative d'intimidation a réussi car au bout de 3 h, épuisée, j'ai baissé les bras et nous avons commencé à négocier. Nous avons proposé 1000 yuans, le directeur a dit "1500", nous avons réussi à baisser à 1300.
Au moment de payer, il voulait du cash et je voulais payer par carte bleue pour garder une trace. Ca l'a contrarié mais au bout d'un moment, il a accepté. Il m'a même remboursé la chambre (4 x 78 yuans), mais m'a demandé mon ticket de réservation de la chambre.
Il a fait ça pour faire comme s'il s'agissait d'un paiement pour une chambre.
Il aura donc gagné 600 yuans, car bien sûr il va être remboursé par son assurance.
Les toilettes ont été remplacés dans l'heure par des techniciens. En France, cette partie des toilettes coûte 30 euros et pour nous cela aura coûté 100 euros, alors que nous n'y sommes pour rien.
Je suis outrée par un tel comportement. Le racket du directeur et l'intimidation du policier corrompu sont inadmissible.
J'ai été obligé d'abdiquer pour pouvoir m'échapper de Chine.
Une chose est sûre. Je n'irai plus jamais en Chine (même en transit), et je vais faire tout ce que je peux pour prévenir les français qui pourraient être dans mon cas.
j. smith (los angeles,calif)
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 5:44 pm
i arrive there from connected flight from Beijing,my bag was delay in Beijing and miss the flight.the woman i spoke to told me i could wait or she call me,i was lucky that my wife is Chinese spoke to her,my wife her brother and his family and me left to go get some food,with in hr she was calling us to come get my bags,she so nice about it the airport was very clean and service was great,even security there where so nice and helpful
Moe Thant (Yangon)
Tue, 9 Jun 2015, 11:41 pm
hi everybody,

I have a transit flight at Kunming airport to go back to Yangon with Air China on coming Saturday and will be stayed there for one night due to without direct flight to Yangon at that day. So, is there any lounge or comfortable place to stay at night and let me know the price for one night.
Chan Kuan (Malaysia)
Tue, 27 Aug 2013, 2:51 pm
昆明机㘯工作人員服务一流。我们相当需要幫忙時,他们給我们满意的讯息和領我们去処。可以說不曾经有过。Good luck to all of the people who work in kunming airport. Best wishes.
rahman (america)
Thu, 20 Jun 2013, 12:25 pm
I have a almost 24hours transit timing in airport.

is there any service during this time?
Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman (Tokyo)
Thu, 4 Apr 2013, 12:14 pm
Is there any locker facilities to keep baggage in airport?
Sun, 6 Jan 2013, 4:48 pm
곤명공항 너무 짜증난다.13년1월4일 인천오는동방항공 안개로 결항,2013년1월5일02시10분 출발예정이던것이4시가 넘어도 지연맨트한마디없었으며(이상기온으로 공항은 왜그리 춥던지),직원들은 영어(한국어)한마디 하지못하고 도망다니기 바쁘더라.중국사람은 외국인은 전혀 배려하지못하는 것같음.대국이란 이런것인가 저희나라 관광객을 너무 무시해 여행 잘하고 마지막 기분 잡쳤음 우리대한민국 인천공항이 최고!!! 동방항공은 매너재로 빵점
Thu, 27 Dec 2012, 5:31 am
Let me honest to you guy. I hate kunming airport. Service was bad.

The airport is nice but people here don't really understand English. Low services.

Also China Eastern Airline is not a good airline to fly with.

The airport will clear out all the passenger and reopen again at 6am. Stupid
Sun, 19 Aug 2012, 6:57 pm
Hi friend(s), Just want to know if there is a hotel within the AirPort complex? Otherwise, can you please advice/suggest the some hotels nearby. Thanks
Fam. Mengelberg (Netherlands)
Fri, 10 Aug 2012, 8:51 am
We enjoyed the new airport very much. Spacious, clear design, clean and easy to navigate. Nevertheless some aspects can still be improved. F.e. The restaurant that is serving western food in the entrance hall (1floor near counter D an E) . We ordered some simple sandwiches. After 45 minutes we still did not recieve any! And we were not the only ones who had to wait so long. Several other guest complained too. After 1 hour we decided to leave. Obviously they have got a problem with the kitchen staff! Luckely we could get some sandwiches at spr coffee at the terminal. Friendly staff, quick service and good quality.
Hans Koning (Netherlands)
Sat, 4 Aug 2012, 10:59 am
A short question: is a (business/vip) lounge available on THE airport.
And if yes: what's THE price for one person for one night.
Traveller (Japan)
Wed, 18 Jul 2012, 4:36 pm
Hi Everyone, I will be there on August. Is there any comfortable place to stay for 1 night on transit time. Thanks.
IlyaWeber (Russia)
Sat, 14 Jul 2012, 3:00 pm
Hello! My name is Ilya!
In August I will arrive to Kunming.
I need will go in hotel - "Kunming International Youth Hostel
Yutu Hotel, Province Libarary Side Building
No.141 Que Hu Nan Road"
May somebody to know like to get there.
on the bus or taxi, but that would it was not very expensive.
M.K.Majumdar (Kolkata, India)
Sun, 27 May 2012, 1:50 am
Very disappointed with Kunming airport's public relationship. After an wonderful holiday in China we reached Kunming domestic airport from Shanghai at 7 pm, we had to wait for 7 hours for our outward flight by China Eastern Airlines. The domestic airport was hot and stuffy (AC was not working) toilets were overflowing and strangely, there were only six seats available for several hundred passengers. We waited seating on staircases until the authorities allowed us to enter the international section.
Beijing or Shanghai airports are great for passenger comfort but immediate action must be taken by Kunming airport authorities to provide basic comforts for paying passengers,
Tanglc (Malaysia)
Mon, 14 May 2012, 11:34 am
Hi friend(s), Just want to know if there is a hotel within the AirPort complex? Otherwise, can you please advice/suggest the some hotels nearby. Thanks
Ansari Tania (Japan)
Wed, 14 Mar 2012, 4:16 pm

I have a almost 24hours transit timing in airport.

is there any service during this time?
Y.T. (Thailand)
Wed, 1 Feb 2012, 12:48 pm
Is there any left baggage service in Wujiaba airport?
John Doh (Bot here)
Tue, 10 Jan 2012, 3:38 pm
Sort out the Lack of taxi's. It's a disgrace for what is supposed to be one of the biggest airports in China.
Sun, 1 Jan 2012, 10:42 am
We will reach Kunming Airport at 11.00pm in the night and so iIs there any facility of Waiting Lounge for a Night Stay as early next day Morning we have a Flight to Catch to shanghai.
Nakorn (Bangkok (Thailand ))
Thu, 29 Sep 2011, 12:09 pm
Excuse Me, Could i buy the ticket Of longdistance bus to Dali or lijiang in the airport?
Sumona (Bangladesh)
Mon, 19 Sep 2011, 1:53 pm
Is there any VIP lounge in Kunming airport??
shabbir (Bangladesh)
Mon, 18 Jul 2011, 5:48 pm
Is there any day room and restrauants in transit area. I have a long stopover for a connecting flight.
Alex Lim (Malaysia)
Fri, 8 Jul 2011, 4:09 pm
I'm Mr LIM, from malaysia, may i know any VIP Lounge or Golden Lounge in Kunming Airport ???
mandrake (Berlin)
Sat, 11 Jun 2011, 1:11 pm
could it be any poorer!!!!! :(

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